
Do I Need a Flu Vaccination – Why is it important?

Do I Need a Flu Vaccination – Why is it important?

26 / Nov

Winter flu vaccine in Bournemouth

Flu or Influenza is a common infectious disease that affects the respiratory system. Even though it’s common to catch it during winter, you can acquire it all year round. Due to COVID-19, which has caused people to stay indoors, many people may have lower immunity to flu than usual this year. Contact us for a winter flu vaccine in Bournemouth.

Getting the flu vaccination is the best, most effective, and safest way to safeguard yourself from the flu. It also helps in minimising spreading the infection to others.

Both COVID-19 and flu spread faster during autumn and winter, and they all have similar symptoms.

Who is eligible for the flu vaccine?

The people who are at a higher risk of catching flu are normally prioritised for the vaccination. The following people are eligible for the free flu vaccination under the NHS services:

– Adults aged 50 and above
– Pregnant women
– People above the age of six months with an eligible health problem
– Healthcare workers
– Household contacts of individuals who are immunosuppressed (age 16 and over)
– NHS independent contractors like community pharmacists, laboratory staff, dental and optometry practices and GPs
– Social care workers delivering direct personal care services
– Nursery, primary and secondary school teachers
– Prison population, support staff and prison officers delivering front-facing services directly
– Children that are aged between 2 to 5 and are not in school
– Children in primary (primary 1 to primary 7) and secondary schools (years 1 to 6)

Visit our latest blog post about how to get the flu vaccination using the link below:

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Winter flu vaccine in Bournemouth

Is the flu vaccination important?

The flu vaccination is completely safe and effective. It gives the optimum protection against flu, especially to people who are at a high risk of developing complications due to the infection. It’s provided annually for free through the NHS services in pharmacies across the UK.

The winter flu vaccine in Bournemouth helps safeguard you against the viruses that cause flu. However, chances are you might still catch the flu after the vaccination. But it’s likely to be mild and last for just a short time.

Another benefit of having the flu vaccination is that you won’t be spreading the flu around to other people who may get severely ill because of the infection.

It takes about 10 days for the winter flu vaccine in Bournemouth to work effectively and should offer you protection during this year’s winter season. Since your immunity reduces with time and the flu viruses change, getting immunisation every year is important.

It’s worth noting that the vaccination doesn’t give you flu, but it stops you from getting it.

Winter flu vaccine in Bournemouth

Egg allergy and winter flu vaccine in Bournemouth

Eggs are used to make some of the vaccines for flu. Remember to inform your pharmacist or doctor if you have an egg allergy or have reacted to a flu vaccine before.

If you are affected, please contact us for advice and consultation.

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Does the winter flu vaccine in Bournemouth have side effects?

It’s possible to experience side effects from the flu vaccination, just like all medicines. But they are usually mild.

Is the winter flu vaccine in Bournemouth safe?

All medications, including vaccines, are tested for their effectiveness and safety before being allowed to be used. They are also monitored by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

Get in touch with us today or book your appointment now.

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This blog post was written on behalf of Holdenhurst Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.